Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Melon Love

I never used to like melon. Of any kind. I didn't dislike it, it just wasnt my cup of tea.

But this summer I have found my love for it. A couple weeks ago we got a fresh-from-the-garden some kind of melon from Clint's mom's neighbor. I thought "Ohh I'll cut it open and try a piece......"

I ate the whole thing. THE WHOLE THING! Now, it wasn't giant, but c'mon, thats nuts. I maybe gave Clint one slice.

Anyway, at the store the other day I bought an orange flesh melon. Not because those are my favorite, but because they had the most appealing description on the tag at Raley's. Again...I don't know much about melons so it seemed like the way to go. I brught it home and had some and it was fabulous. Not as amazing and the first one of course, but good.

Now you may be wondering here- why am I writing a post about melon? Well because I brought some of that melon to work today in my lunch and when I took it out of the fridge I just noticedhow pretty the color was and thought I would share it.

Love that color contrast. And, of course, the picture does it no justice. Hmm, maybe inspiration for my guest room?? Notice I couldn't stop my self from eating 2 pieces before I took the picture.

Happy Summer! (Even though its almost over)

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