Ohh ya, she was a beaut.
So we started out with the room in a different layout for the first year. The TV was perpendicular to the windows, which put the chairs midway between the windows and that about took up all the room. It worked great because it left a lot of open space for when we would play the Kinect.
Except we NEVER play the Kinect. I got it for Clint for his birthday 2010. We played it for like a week, and there it sits.
So for Christmas 2011, we decided to get each other gifts that weren’t “things”. He has always wanted to work on his man cave. In a year all we had done was put in our extra furniture and throw posters on the wall. Well we did buy 2 shelves from Ikea.
This is the only picture I have of the room from before, sorry.
Obviously you can’t see the other side of the room with the massive TV.
So for his Christmas present I painted the room for him. Maybe these pictures don’t do it justice but it is a BIG room.
I first primed and painted all the baseboard and trim in the room bright white, like we are doing downstairs.
Then the weekend came and I got to the daunting task of painting the whole effing room by myself while Clint played video games to keep me company. By the last wall I was about crazy and Clint did the ceiling trim line for me.
While we had everything off the walls and the furniture moved Clint decided he wanted to try out a new furniture placement with the chair backs to the window and the TV on the wall next to the entrance (where I am sitting as I take the photo above).
We also sold an old loveseat and bought him a desk for the newly freed up space on the other side of the room.
Here he is in all his panorama-photo glory:
Err… scratch that. Up to this point of the post I wrote in mid January. I promptly saved a draft and forgot about it.
Well, this weekend in the process of getting a new living room couch, we did some furniture shuffling and the room has done a little changing again.
So here it is from another angle, behind the desk (and the Mr.'s super tall new chair)
Ya, my panorama didn’t paste together as well this time.
Clearly I didn’t dress it up. It’s a man cave. It’s the room I lovingly refer to as “the room where we keep all the crap I don’t want to look at. There are at least 20 dragons in the room. Not exactly my favorite décor choice.
Well, in a long winded post that took me 2 months to write, there it is. My husbands man cave. Where he happily goes and plays loud games that I don’t have to see or hear. Pure Bliss

I like the dark walls. We're going to do something similar if we ever have a chance to make our movie/coffee bar room (we're currently renting so we can't paint).